Bộ chống nhiễu 75 ôm chuẩn video (Thiết bị này dùng để chống nhiễu cho camera khi các Camera bị nhiễu do tín hiệu khác tác động vào). Thiết bị này được dùng trong khoảng cách ngắn dưới 100m.
BNC male to BNC female with short fly-lead.
Passive operation - no power required.
Prevents video - signal distortion caused by video ground loops.
Eliminates picture tearing, cross talk and rolling.
Built in Transient Voltage Suppressors for surge protection Isolation Voltage 600VDC (Min)
Insertion Loss: 0.5dB
Frequency Response: 0-3dB at 10Mhz
Insulation Resistance: 100m Ohm
Transient Voltage Suppressors: 12 Vrms
Dimensions: (mm) 84x28x21 with 15cmx2 cable
One of the single biggest problems that occur in the CCTV industry, is that of ground loops.
A ground loop occurs when different pieces of mains powered CCTV hardware in the same system are connected to ground in different places.When this happens a ground differential is present which leads to what can be seen as interference on the video signal. This may present as horizontal or veritcal rolling lines (hum bars) across the screen.